Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have finally come to the point that I realize---with God on my side and if I stay within His will for me and continually pursue Him-EVERYTHING will work out. When you finally cross that bridge--release control---SUBMIT to His will---and TRUST HIM through faith---it is a HUGE release! HE IS FAITHFUL! HE WILL SUSTAIN US and we are His Beloved. It is such a comfort to know that no matter what life hands you---you are in the palm of HIS hand! Praise Him!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
When I got home, this is what I discovered---

It is not easy to trip the cage door and takes some maneuvering. I have it down to a fine science with the squirrels. I leave the towel on their part of the cage and aim the door away from me. When I pull up the trap door----they are OFF to the races. It is a little different with a coon. For one thing--he is so big that he fills the cage up. I get inside the house and put the cage right outside the door. I then work on releasing him with my hands through the crack in the sliding deck door. It is quite the fiasco! FINALLY BC comes to the rescue and figures out how to prop the trap door open. Mr. Coon was still hiding his head and would not come out! It seems that BC gets a LITTLE irritated with me when I am playing "Great White Trapper". He enjoys and laughs about how many squirrels I have caught and taken off---but he does not like to see how I release them. He thinks I am not cautious. SO FAR----I remind you I have NEVER been bitten or scratched. The trick is to not ask for or need help. That's when I get the scolding!
NOTE TO SELF------don't leave the trap set at night----might be one of my black /white striped buddies in there one day---NOW THAT WOULD BE A MESS!
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

The "learning journey" has been for both of us. It has been a LONG time since I helped my own children. We did faithfully work every night on their school assignments and ALWAYS read. The snag then and now with Jessica is that I did not learn to read phonetically. Back in the "OLD DAYS", we were taught to read mainly by memorization. So I have to go back and relearn the rules to teach her the correct way to sound out words. The consonants are no problem-even the blends. The problem comes with teaching ALL the vowel sounds as well as vowel blends sounds. I have resorted to borrowing a book from a first grade teacher to go back to the basics. IT IS NOT EASY FOR AN OLD DOG TO LEARN OR RELEARN A NEW TRICK! I am DETERMINED and for those that know me---they all feel sorry for Jessica. I will NOT give up until she is reading fluently and on grade level! Perhaps then she can teach me Spanish!
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010
In case you didn't know---our jobs as Momma's-----is to make life perfect for all of our "Perfect Off-spring"! I have been in just that mode since we had even a glimmer that #4 might be on the way.
I have come up with the "Perfect Solution"---Camille, Henry & Little Camille will come and live with us until Adam gets out of school. It is the perfect solution--we have PLENTY of ROOM, Camille will have plenty of help, and I will be RIGHT by their side to help every step of the way. There's only one problem---ADAM--something tells me that he will not go along with this!
You do remember that Adam is the only child or spouse to EVER tell me that they would be doing it "Their Way" and ignoring my plan! The off-spring never tell me to my face they will not be following my orders---they just ignore me and do it their way without a confrontation. NOW Adam----he actually stands up to me. I LOVE IT!!! He is a GREAT sparing partner!
Well all I have to say is I am creating a pool to see when Adam will give in to Momma Lulu! Just how many sleepless nights will it take to say, "Camille, don't your miss your Mom and wouldn't you ALL like to go for a little visit?" I am not SO OLD that I have forgotten the effect NO SLEEP can have on young parents!
Medical School graduation can not come soon enough and we cannot wait to get them all back down South. In the meantime, I am trying to figure out how we are going to accomplish the move!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Some of the "To Dos" are fun times, but LOTS are work. I have been reminded by BC that most of this is self-imposed. He is correct BUT with SO many needs out there "Who can say 'No'?".
Got no time to write---need to prepare my tutoring lesson for Monday's session! Plan to chill this weekend and get back to running Monday. Definitely need the "De stressing" a good run brings!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The woman that I started the marathon by---runs a least a couple a month------
NOW LET'S SEE-----at least twice a month ALL YEAR ROUND--she runs 26.2 miles. I must say--the beauty of this is NO LONG TRAINING RUNS!
I finally passed "Mr. Boston" toward the end of the race---WHOPPPEEE!!---he was ----80----!
A friend recently sent me the story about the "Black Mountain Marathon" in North Carolina---they ran in a blizzard----UP over 2000 ft and then back down. They also had a "Challenge Run" at the same time---UNFORTUNATELY due to poor conditions they had to cut it to a MERE 34 miles.
I also passed an "Ultra Runner"---you know they do things like run 100 miles through Death Valley.
I didn't wear a "Red Taffeta-Lace Covered Can/Can Dress" like the girl who finished just in front of me. She gives new meaning to chafing.
I have my own brand of crazy----like running in a pair of shoes that had been causing severe pain for weeks. I started to take them off the last few miles and run sock footed and I had to be held back to not toss them into the river at the end. OH YES---that reminds me---some run the 26.2 miles barefooted---something about it being the "Natural" way to run. Give me a cushioned shoe and sock any day--my feet look bad enough as it is!
So to my younger brother who told my son that "I was a real piece of work" YOU are from the same gene pool!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Friend, Barbara, sent the lyrics to this song to me. HYSTERICAL!! I must say I plead "Not Guilty" to the talking about "Me". I am guilty as charged though when it comes to thinking about "Me". I pray about it daily!
Monday, March 8, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Now that the scene is set, we were having a great time talking faith, psychology, and various other light topics. Somehow I got off on the subject of a young man that once wanted to date Camille. BC & I taught this same young man in Sunday School and had heard his tales of exploits. When he decided he was interested in Camille, we were not exactly thrilled. We perhaps had heard far too many of his stories.
He showed up one Sunday afternoon wanting to see Camille. BC went out and told him a little story:
What if you had a car that you really loved. You took care of that car, you polished that car, you were careful with that car, you only put the best fuel in that car---you treated your car with tender loving care. One day I show up at your house and want to borrow your car, but you know how I have treated cars in the past. I drove them like a madman: I didn't take care of them; I might even leave a ding or two in them---I just didn't care for the cars--I abused and neglected them and then threw them aside for a newer model. How would you feel about me borrowing your car? The young man answered, "I wouldn't like that Mr. Bobby and I wouldn't want you using my car." BC then said, "Well that is basically how I feel about Camille---do you understand what I am saying?" The young man left and as far as I know he didn't pursue Camille anymore.
I told my story and we moved on to the next subject after discussing it a little. In about 10-15 minutes who should show up at the barber shop, but the young man that I had been discussing. OUT OF THE BLUE----I haven't seen him in years. I looked at Brandy and Russell and said "That's the ______(name withheld). THEY ROLLED & I thought Brandy was going to fall out of her chair.
Just goes to show---it is a small world and Ruston is a SMALL town.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

When I looked up the directions for our trip--it looks like A LONG DRIVE--perhaps 11-12 hours in the car. That makes for a tired body to run 26.2 miles the next day. Well ----as Momma so well put it-----We'll See!
If God pricks you Saturday AM about 9:00-10:00--that is when things will begin to get serious, you might lift up a little prayer for me. You do know that God is most interested in EACH and EVERY detail of our life? Even us crazies! Those last miles after about mile 18/19 are sheer torture, so I will need all the help I can get.
Monday, March 1, 2010

We went to Austin and celebrated with #1 & #2 Grands and, oh yes, their parents and uncle. It was a fast and fun weekend, but who better to celebrate with? The "Crew at the office" will cap the celebration off today with a big luncheon. According to my math, that is four + days of celebrating.
BC has always reminded me of a "Modern Day David". A man after God's own heart. He is a hard working and dedicated broker who spends long hours with his clients and the firm. He is a great Father and Grandfather who dearly loves his children and grandchildren. He makes sacrifices daily for "Their Good". He is a son who has taken on the roll of "Care-taker" for his parents during this season of declining health. He is a sweet brother to his sisters--and their number one fan. He is a friend to many and a loyal supporter of several ministries without a word of mention. He basically has put aside his own desires and dreams to take care of many. On top of all that--he is a "Snappy Dresser".
Happy Birthday, Bobby. My Birthday Blessing for you is for you to realize your dreams and have all that you deserve and desire become your reality. May God RICHLY bless you and continue to draw you as He faithfully loves you beyond all reason..