After nabbing one of the "little darlings" last week, I put him/her in the back of the truck with a towel over the trap to keep him calm. I first take all the office limbs to the landfill. The nice young man that unloaded the limbs for me sees the cage and lifts the towel. He almost fainted when the squrrel jumped. I laughed and laughed. He then calls over "The Entire Landfill Gang" to show them my game. I felt like the "Queen of the Landfill" for a brief period with all the fellows gathered round listening to my tale. The "Nice Young Man" got his finger bitten when he put his finger into the cage. Now HOW smart was that?
BC usually lets me tend to all the trapping and relocating. This past weekend while home, he decided to go with me for a "Relocation Trip". When he saw how I put my hand down by the trap door to open it and let my little buddy go, he told me I was crazy and going to get attacked. I just chuckled and said after around 30 catches and releases I had it all down to a fine science.
Where am I taking them, I WILL NEVER TELL, BUT if you happen to notice an increase in your local wildlife you might question are you "IT"!