Sunday, January 31, 2010


Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he make my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:17-19

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I am blessed with wonderful friends! They will literally "Run The Extra Mile" with you! There are only 3 of us training for this marathon. One is "Miss Speedy" and another out of town this weekend--so I am on my on for today's long run.
All it takes is an email and the support I so desperately need comes out of the woodwork. I had 3 of the "Runners" join me from the beginning and another 5 join around mile 6. The first three dropped off at the mid point of 10 1/2 and the late joiners continued on After mile 15 or so, I lose all but one and she runs with me until mile 19 when I turned to go back to my car for the last 2 miles.
21 MILES------I literally could not have done it like I did without them! They keep me entertained and share in the agony and listen to my moaning and groaning. God has reminded me this week what a great group of friends he has provided me with. I was reminded of the Blessing this morning as we ran in the bitter cold wind and snow flurries to complete my 21 mile run. They are like the "Energizer Bunny" ---they just keep me going!
I was pleased with my time and happy to report that after about mile 10-11 I completely forgot about the pain of my incision since all I could think about was the pain in my legs!
ONE MORE REALLY LONG RUN----PRAISE THE LORD Whose Glory I always run for!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Now we are required to be joyful by The Scriptures, but some days-weeks-it is a little tougher than others. I chose to find the humor in life when it is difficult to rise to "Joyful".

I found out before Camille and Henry were to arrive that I needed to have surgery---an outpatient procedure after "Suspicious" test results. When I went to the surgeon-and she made this pronouncement---I began the old "LET'S MAKE A DEAL". It turned out that she was a little more assertive than the last doctor I ordered around.

At first I told her that I was training for a marathon and would prefer to wait until it was over. When she asked the date, that was a "NO". I then told her that my daughter and #3 grand were coming for two weeks and I wanted to enjoy my time with them. She agreed to the over 2 week wait. Ok-so I did get some concession!

Monday this week was the day with my arrival time of 6:30. Since I ran my long cut back run on Sunday-this meant that I had the training day off. The surgeon told me I could run as soon as I felt like it. OHHHHH--they are SO crafty with their choice of words!

I took my I shuffle and entertained myself with getting all the nurse's social histories. I love to listen to people's stories! After an hour an half wait, the doctor comes walking into "The Bullpen"---you know the holding area where they park you in surgery. They have me in this little room with the curtains all pulled around so she could mark me up for the surgery. She walks in with a magic marker and puts a R on my right shoulder. GREAT--she knows which side--but no other marks!

They roll me back to surgery. Now without getting too graphic---I know that I am about to be "Exposed" for who I am. EVERY NURSE in the room is a man!!! GOOD GRIEF--put me asleep--this is embarrassing! I stay awake while they put me on this table that is the width of a small diving board. It occurs to me that some might "drape" over the sides when they are slid over. They all laugh when I ask the question and talk about securing some of the patients for this very reason. They then strap your arm down and put this HUGE strap across your mid-section. I assume they don't want you jumping up and running out. I announce that the last time I was strapped down like this it involved a big baby with a huge head. Again they think this is just hilarious. They keep putting this mask on my face and saying breath deep and I keep taking it off to say one more thing. They FINALLY had their way with me.

The next thing I know they are waking me up and saying I am the only patient left and they want to go home and I need to wake up. The nurse tells me the doctor is on her way---so perhaps I need to get my wits about me enough to remember what she says later. My throat is sore and I am SORE all over--but not as sore as I will be the next two days. I think those men most have used me for a volley ball and hit me back and forth across that tiny table. I have been less sore after a marathon! It seems they had a difficult time getting the tube down my throat. Now I know you will be astonished to learn that I have a small mouth-throat. The side of the back of my mouth is scraped and raw-probably from a failed attempt.

BC picks me up and I go home and sleep the rest of the afternoon. He comes home and feeds me supper before going back to work and I am finally awake. Surprisingly I remember pretty much everything the doctor told me. A miracle considering my state of consciousness!

The next morning I get up and try to run. Sonja runs slowly with me and I make 2 1/2 miles before giving up. I have taken the rest of the week off --trying to rest and heal before my LONG run tomorrow.

As I said, some weeks it pays to find the humor in life and consider that joy!

Friday, January 22, 2010


They are gone and I am sad. Tomorrow I will remember the wonderful blessing of having them for two weeks. Tonight I am allowing myself to be sad.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As Friend Sonja and I were working out this AM, she told me a tragic story about one of her friends and asked that I pray that she would be guided by Our Father as she ministered to her friend. We talked about a mutual friend that has just learned of a shocking and devastating medical crisis. We talked of a young friend that was beaten to the point of a brain bleed and shattered bones and is now going through the excruciating pain of recovery.

I told her that as I was praying on my way to the track, it occurred to me that there seems to be pain and suffering everywhere. Her Father & Mother who are a ministerial family and counselor---have asked her did she know anyone who was not suffering--because they did not. We agreed that the world seems to be full of pain---even when surrounded by blessings.

"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." Romans 8:22

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

And for now----I am keeping my eye upon Him and my ear open for His counsel for I know----

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Rev 21:4

Monday, January 18, 2010


As I was reading #1 daughter's blog after she left for a run, I was reminded of a very important promise. Camille was discussing being pampered and taken care of while she is here in LA. It is a labor of love that I endeavor to perform for all of my loved ones. When they come home to visit, I try to make special meals and have their favorite snacks, and play with the greats and just take care of them in general. It is a labor of love.

Day in -day out----I try to take good care of BC's needs. I listen to what he says and try to anticipate his desires. I try to have a quiet and clean house for him to come home to with a neatly groomed and blooming yard. I try to make his home an oasis of peace and tranquility. It is a labor of love.

I try to listen to my friends and offer assistance and especially prayer. The most important thing I do for them is have a ready ear and cleared head when they are talking to me. I let them know by words and actions how important they are to me. I tell them I will pray for them and their concerns and needs---AND THEN I FOLLOW THROUGH. It is a labor of love.

As I was thinking about the little things we can do for each other and how wonderful and special it makes us feel,I was reminded of "The One That Loves Me Most". The "Listening Ear" and bountiful blessing of lavish love that I am over-whelmed with every moment of every day. When I stop and consider it, I have that little flutter deep down that only deep and amazing love can give you. I am reminded once again of how special I am in His eyes and glory in the amazing love I receive. It is a labor of love.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Every young man needs to learn how to do household chores. After all, someday he will be a husband (FOR NOW, PLEASE DO NOT TELL CAMILLE). Anyway, Henry & I folded clothes together this afternoon. A REALLY SWEET EXPERIENCE! He was SUCH good help!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Guess who has shown up in Ruston trying to get out of the deep snow and frozen temps. The snow is not here-BUT the frozen temps seem to have shown up. We are have a warming and more normal winter temps coming.

I have spent the day trying to figure out how I ever worked not just full time but often LONG hours, raised children, cooked meals, did the laundry, assisted with homework, ETC ETC ETC when my children were growing up. It has taken three of us all day to keep ONE LITTLE MAN entertained and happy. Actually he is a delight---I have just forgotten what a full time job little ones can be.

Friday, January 8, 2010


You KNOW it's cold when the early morning runners move their runs to the afternoon hours. For some strange reason it is really difficult for most of us to run in the afternoon---but when the temps hit the teens----I GIVE! There are still a few of the die-hard faithful early AM runners braving the early hours----but VERY FEW!

We are not really prepared for the bitter cold in the South. Thankfully we have had no frozen water coming down--but we still run around like chickens with our heads cut off. (By the way if you don't know the meaning of that statement--you are young or a city dweller) We begin to talk of things like wrapping pipes, leaving the faucet dripping, removing ceiling tiles---etc etc. All in the hopes of preventing the DREADED frozen pipes!

The frozen pipe in itself is not SO bad---it's the thawing and sometimes bursting later that is a catastrophe! I have a friend that took his family skiing and while they were away we had a BIG FREEZE (that's what we Southerners call really cold). His house was 3 stories---and the pipes were in the top story ceiling. When they got home the basement was full of water that had run down the walls, floors, stairs, ceiling from the top while the water ran unabated!

My SIL told me a story yesterday of their pipes freezing one year when the family all had the stomach bug. NOW THAT MAY TOP THE LIST OF HORRORS!

Hopefully this will be our annual week of really bitter temps! We should get back to normal and have cold-but not bitter mornings and cool days. I keep in mind that it will soon be time to plant Spring flowers! Meanwhile in the frozen North-#3 Grand seems to be loving it: See here

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I recently went through the annual FUN of my medical check up. Back in October, I had the REALLY FUN experience-which THANKFULLY comes every 5 years of a colonoscopy. NOW THAT IS SUCH FUN---especially the prep! So in December-since I have met my deductible for the year---I go for the rest of the fun and games.

I changed Drs this year. I entered her office LOADED with assertiveness! I told her about the Doctor I went to last year and WHAT I DID NOT LIKE ABOUT HIS recs! Told her what I would NOT be doing and what I would like to do. She is about the age of my middle child. I AM CERTAIN-she thought-this lady is a nut !

I had a little problem that she wanted to send me to a specialist for. I told her I was SURE it was being caused by the LONG runs that I was doing. I did finally agree that I would re-test after the marathon and if the problem was still present go to her specialist.

Yesterday her nurse called (the doctor probably looked at the name on the test and thought NO WAY am I calling her!} to give me the results of my lab work. It seems my cholesterol is HIGH---not SO high to require meds (WHICH I DON'T PLAN TO TAKE EVER) but the nurse told me I needed to be on a LOW FAT Diet. POOR NURSE! I immediately asked for the HDL and LDL counts. Told her that I LOVED gourmet cooking and had NO intention of cutting out BUTTER or giving up cooking all these delicious meals. I firmly believe that my elevated cholesterol comes from passing a certain point in life-since I have never had a problem before. I work out regularly-as you all know- and my weight is well under control. HEAR ME WHEN I SAY---I may die---but I will not die feeling deprived!

"If I perish-I perish" Esther 4:16

Monday, January 4, 2010


Marathons are a great deal like life itself. There are times that you just don't feel like doing it----and you know it LONG before the serious business has begun. It is at this point that you make a decision. You can either quit and just give up----because it is no fun-painful--and you just plain do not want to do this or you can just push through and look for the finish line--as painful as that is.

Saturday's long run of 19 miles was one of those tests. NO FUN---PAINFUL--ALONE---AND I JUST DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. Somehow DEEP DOWN INSIDE---I Pull Up The Will Power to FINISH IT. After the first 3 miles--I KNEW it would not be pretty and hoped I could finish. Hope will not get it though---it takes putting one foot in front of the other--sometimes when you just think----I CAN'T DO THIS--you just need to finish.

It is a life lesson in "Just Finishing".